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Etv-Wall (Rabotnichesko Delo)

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view post Posted on 7/5/2015, 23:00



CITAZIONE (John Fortune @ 7/5/2015, 17:14) 
Se ricordate la storia del messaggio del signor Mutandiero riguardo agli exclusive ("Quando uno ha dei crediti nel sito e guarda gli Exclusive, lui non spende i crediti, così gli Exclusive divengono gratuiti") che risaliva ormai a quasi 2 anni fa, noi in quell'occasione gli avevamo anche detto un paio di cosucce semplici semplici:

Avete fatto di tutto per mandare via il pubblico. Avete consegnato la tv a un gruppo di 30-40 poveri deficienti che pagano sì, ma che hanno svuotato d'interesse la vostra offerta per tutto il resto degli spettatori. Vivete nella pietosa illusione che è meglio essere al completo servizio di pochi che pagano invece di coltivare un pubblico più ampio possibile da cui possano arrivare clienti sempre nuovi.

Avete fatto una scelta: non avete scelto noi, non avete scelto tutto il pubblico, avete scelto i vostri clienti Gold, Andreas, Monster, Dreamlander, Fernando, Ludger, Paul, qualche maniaco dei piedi, Benedikt che vuole le modelle legate e tagliuzzate, Marcel che chiede da anni ogni sera la stessa cosa..... insomma, per la maggior parte 50-60enni con problemi sessuali o con pochissime probabilità di poter anche solo parlare con una 20enne se non a pagamento e al telefono. Siete diventati una specie di Club Privé per poveri sfigati.

Era Settembre 2013. Hanno realizzato a Maggio 2015. Con calma bulgara.

Di questi polli ne sono rimasti pochi e quei pochi non bastano a coprire le spese e devono correre ai ripari (con i tempi bulgari)... :lol3:

Exclusives Sunday May 3rd
Thursday, 7th May 2015

I thought the night was bloody excellent! I do send in quite a number of requests, but I'm realistic and I realise that they cant all, always be fulfilled, expecting that would be a bit silly and unrealistic. To my way of thinking, we send in our requests, and they usually get fulfilled. Sometimes, it may be a slight modified version, to combine two request into one. That's fair enough. After all, we pay only 4 credits for a request, its hardly a fortune. We get to see some great shows, so its really good value. Being sensible, we must realise that with so many requests and so varied, that we wont always enjoy each exclusive. For example, I hate brown tights/pantyhose, I really hate them, they are terrible things. BUT we are like different things, and ETV have to try and keep everyone happy. So fair enough. Now if someone wasn't happy, I would suggest that they pay more money and have a reserved, or even look at one of the hundreds of webcam sites. Needless to say, the webcam sites are inferior and much more costly, but if you aren't happy, then go where you might be (even though its more expensive, lower quality, and not the same girls). Must admit, I see a few messages sometimes, complaining because some silly child wanted something exactly one way, and it was slightly different. My reply would be easy: Grow up, get a life and relax, look how much you pay for what you get, and shut up, miserable sod lol sit back and enjoy :) Like the rest of us do :)

:blink: :wacko:
view post Posted on 8/5/2015, 00:10

wc un vero lecchino, il bello che si prende il lusso di dare consigli, uno che dalla vita nn c'ha capito davvero un caz2o. :mflsh:
view post Posted on 8/5/2015, 12:31




ETV Team: Hello, We are trying to refund all our clients whose request have not been fulfilled. Sometimes we do not ignore a viewer's wish but combine it with another similar wish, or we transform and develop the idea. Sometimes there is a big queue of requests and they are combined by models. This way a model can fulfill several requests at once, when they are in the exclusive studio. This said we are willing to refund credits of viewers whose requests hasn't been fulfilled for one reason or another, because it is the logical thing to do. As long as this doesn't turn in to an endless quarrel if a request is fulfilled, how is it fulfilled, when and so on. We do not want to be engaged in debates whether or not a wish has been exactly the way the viewers want or it has been modified. Some viewers tend to be extremely pretentious and intolerant on the subject. We are considering a new system where the charging will occur after the request has been fulfilled or it has been shown on the screen. The introduction of this system will, more or less, solve such issues. Regards

dopo aver truffato per anni decine di persone con questo "sistema" (richieste non soddisfatte), adesso che si sta incazzando anche la "first class", hanno capito che la corda si stà spezzando, mo devono solo trovare un altro modo per fregarli e farli contenti.
view post Posted on 8/5/2015, 12:38

semplice accontentano un pochetto di più, così si cuccano anche il msg di grazie successivamente... :dev:
view post Posted on 8/5/2015, 12:54



Hanno sempre l'asso della manica della visita in studio con trattamento spa compreso nel pacchetto.
view post Posted on 9/5/2015, 11:19



NEW Conference Call phone line!
Saturday, 9th May 2015

We are happy to announce that we have a new conference call phone line for German viewers to make our shows even more interactive.
Dial 0900 520 7907
0,99 € pro Minute aus dem dt. Festnetz/Mobilfunk ggf. Abweichend

and you will become part of our viewers lobby. The more people join this lobby, the more influence you will have on decisions regarding the studio performances. Talk, comment, share thoughts with other viewers and the moderators and be a part of the team that makes the show. Two heads are better than one, so imagine what will several heads do.

Because your thoughts and ideas are important for us! Go ahead and call us!

view post Posted on 9/5/2015, 13:30



Praticamente il filo diretto di Jonas con lo staff per imporre a Lauren le sue solite minchiate e porcate lamentandosi se le cose non vanno come vorrebbe lui.
view post Posted on 9/5/2015, 14:22

..e gli italiani..esclusi :D
view post Posted on 9/5/2015, 14:51



Questa idea del menga pure il padulo avrà avuto la decenza di non proporla.
Ma ricordate che chiesero 500€ al tipo che s'era preso la sbandata per Calomira, Sven o qualcosa del genere.
view post Posted on 9/5/2015, 16:50



Sono stato assente qualche giorno e non capisco bene sti messagi, però vedo che la loro reazione è sempre volta allo scusarsi, al rimediare agli errori e al togliere le cose ( vedi il recente stop all'olio ).
Il canale ha bisogno che lo staff giochi in attacco e non costantemente in difesa.
Non devi togliere l'olio, ma aggiungere la panna e non devi "annoiarti" delle richieste ripetitive, ma reinterpretarle in modo nuovo.

Se lo capisco io che son ragioniere dovrebbero capirlo anche loro che si spacciano per artisti ...
view post Posted on 9/5/2015, 17:40



ma i ragionieri come dice la parola stessa ragionano....
i cialtroni ciarlano!!
:lol: :lol:
view post Posted on 9/5/2015, 21:24

Thursday, 7th May 2015

... Must admit, I see a few messages sometimes, complaining because some silly child wanted something exactly one way, and it was slightly different. My reply would be easy: Grow up, get a life and relax, look how much you pay for what you get, and shut up, miserable sod lol sit back and enjoy :) Like the rest of us do :)
:blink: :wacko:

That means:

WK says to Jonas: "Jonas, you silly child, grow up, get a life and relax, look how much you pay for what you get, and shut up, miserable sod."
view post Posted on 9/5/2015, 22:49



Must admit, I see a few messages sometimes, complaining because some silly child wanted something exactly one way, and it was slightly different. My reply would be easy: Grow up, get a life and relax, look how much you pay for what you get, and shut up, miserable sod lol sit back and enjoy :) Like the rest of us do :)

Yes WK get a life mate. You are the One who dont understand it.

Welshken lol, get a life!!!
view post Posted on 11/5/2015, 21:02



Some thoughts on our work

What is the dream?
It is a tough question! How do you describe a dream? They are a feeling, unclear image, a guiding light that you try to find and catch. We want to be alive! We always wanted that! To live! To make things our way, to taste the fun, to disregard tradition, be interesting and unpredictable even for ourselves. Erotica, sex, feelings and excitement, taboos and broken boundaries – these are the things that give taste and spice to life. We like this taste, we love to taste it and if possible to share it with you! This attitude demands broad spectrum of perception towards the world, acceptance for different points of view and liberal thinking. This is what we call the bohemian spirit. We often meet people that want to share our values, but don't dare to go out of their comfort zone, boundaries and believes. You cannot be a bohemian person without denying the cliches and being ready to accept other's tastes even if they are not the same as yours.

We are always criticized and there is always someone to tell us what is right or wrong. For smoking, for spanking, drinking, bandages, etc. Everybody is liberal and broadminded, but to a point where his or her limits reach. Everything beyond this boundary is criticized and rejected as unacceptable, and a cause for crusades. But, in reality, these differences are the ones that give the colors in life and the pleasure to break free from the boring banality. Someone always looks for a reason to get offended, someone else wants to oppose something, other stays there to guard the universal justice, someone else wants to protect someone. All of them are concerned citizens imposing their cliches on others.

We dream of a free and more artistic, and happy world! And we create it, as much as we can and this makes us interesting. Often there is another veto imposed on us which is that we don't have the right to have fun without being naked, without living up to the “adult” stamp that is put on us. We must be “hot” even if we just want to have some fun and make some artistic “bullshit”. Yesterday we showed something, but not today, so why tomorrow we show something that was forbidden yesterday and why a week ago there was one “rule” and now is another.

Are the Status Quo, rulles and regulations really that important? Is it really necessary to close ourselves behind norms, restrictions and requirements. They are just an instrument. Useless tool in the world of art. We do what we want and what we like. When we get sick of pantyhose shows we stop making it, when we get up to the neck in oil and this becomes a repeating nightmare – we stop it! When we feel naughty we spank each other and when it gets boring we stop doing it. Isn't this diverse portfolio of artistic expressions what you want from us? Or you want us to be politically correct and careful not to step out of line, to offend someone, to make something harmful, or to hurt someones feelings. Lets leave this to the hundreds of mainstream media who live to make and obey rules. Let us try to be free from expectations, correctness and rightness cliches and reservations. There is pussy - there isn't pussy, you see boobs – you don't see boobs, you used to show this, now you show that. What difference does it make? The spirit of men, the mischievous bohemian desire for fun and entertainment. This is what is important to us. This is what you see, this is why viewers like us, this is why we like ourselves. When this naughtiness and fun go away everything goes away. We constantly try to run away from the same boring formal repetitions. This is what is important to us. Not to get trapped in to the web of rules, expectations and monotonous repetitions.

We promise not to promise anything! Restrictions work until someone decides to break them. Regulations are good until we realize that we want to change them. Not to make money from that, but to feel alive and make our blood boil again! We do not supply electricity or hot water to your home, we are not just some provider of regulated goods. We are not managers and this is not a real business! We are not a corporation, nor salesmen! We want to have fun and to make our lives and yours more interesting and our nights more exciting! This is the spirit we are looking for! If you look at at from this angle, you will probably understand us more and this will be the key for a better mutual understanding.

La loro l'hanno detta, ma dopo queste dichiarazioni, possono anche chiudere...
Visto che lo show lo fanno per loro e non per i soldi o per il piacere del pubblico che smettessero di far pagare ai polli l'aria che respirano...
Fino all'altro giorno era tutto un giustificarsi perché i soldi che chiedono servono a pagare lo staff, ora fanno gli show solo per sentirsi vivi...

Non rispettano le regole perché loro vivono a contatto con lo spirito bohemian, ma poi è tutto un ripetere che la pecorina è vietata, i baci con la lingua sono vietati e così via...
Con queste uscite si scavano sempre di più la fossa...

Via, io smetto di commentare queste parole prima di diventare volgare... :mamm:
view post Posted on 11/5/2015, 21:03



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